Tuesday 5 February 2013

Unit 3: Silhouette for Prop

 To create the prop which is my character Caligo Nox's Giant vacuum that sucks in the Dreamers floating in the sky and holds them in some type of prison. So i got vacuum cleaners and Silhouetted them
To then develop these:
still need to add more detail into them but was just getting the shapes. my eye seems to be drawn to number 8 as I like the dome it feels like the dreamers could be stored in there and you see them all floating around.


  1. I like number 8, it looks like it would fit in well with your story

  2. yep - I like 8 too - it looks a bit Wallace and Gromit, so a more cuddly evil than an 'evil evil'...

  3. I really like 8 and & but these look really interesting George :)
