No model = Fun with drawing clothes and its creases
Tuesday, 26 February 2013
Monday, 25 February 2013
Thursday, 21 February 2013
Tuesday, 19 February 2013
Monday, 18 February 2013
Saturday, 16 February 2013
Unit 3: Speed Paint of Caligo Nox's Lair
Roughly a thirty minute speed paint just to show Caligo's lair and how his dream Vacuum will come out of his lair
Unit 3: Lumen's Outfit
Here are a few different colours for Lumen. My eye seems to be more focused on number two since it seems more natural.
Wednesday, 13 February 2013
Tuesday, 12 February 2013
Life Drawing (12/02/2013)
Life drawing was really interesting today. it was great to have a different model and a male one at that as the male body is so different to female body's it's great to practice on drawing them some more
(10 minute poses)
(35 minute pose)
Monday, 11 February 2013
Unit 3: Lumens Lighthouse Silhouettes
To get more of an interesting structure for Lumen's lighthouse, as he is the bringer of light I silhouetted different types of lights and lamps, where I then mixed mixed them together to create more fantasy looking structures.
@Alan: Maya Tutorials Spot Check.
Intro to Autodesk Maya
Character Part 1: ModellingTexturing Part 1: Common Shaders
Character Part 2: Textures
Texturing Part 2: UV Maps
Lighting & Rendering Part 1: Light & Shadow
Character Part 3: Lighting & Rendering
Animation Part 1: Using Rigs
Animation Part 2: Using Motion Paths
Animation Part 3: Using MEL
Modelling 1: Digital Sets
Pre-Viz 1: Intro to Pre-Visualisation
Camera Control Part 2: Pan Shot
Camera Control Part 2: Roll Shot
Camera Control Part 2: Pitch Shot
Camera Control Part 3: Crane Shot
Camera Control Part 3: Dolly Shot
Camera Control Part 3: Distance Shot
Camera Control Part 4: Focal Length
Camera Control Part 4: Coverage
Camera Control Part 4: Camera Shake
Animation 1: Intro to Character Animation
The Bouncing Ball Part 2: With Travel & Rotation
Settle & Rest: Pendulum
Secondary Action & Overlap: Hanging Chain
Squash & Stretch: Jumping
Anticipation & Follow-Through: Can Snatch
Walk Cycles Part 1: Rig
Walk Cycles Part 1: Mechanics
Sunday, 10 February 2013
Unit 3: Mum and Son Silhouette
I've decided to make the time period for the son and mother to be set in the 60's I love the colours and the thought of a messy room with retro toys laying on the floor. but for now I have the Silhouettes to know scale and the height between the son and mother
Friday, 8 February 2013
Thursday, 7 February 2013
Wednesday, 6 February 2013
Unit 3: Caligo Nox's face
Just starting to get some character faces down for Caligo Nox I still need to do Lumen. I like the look of number one although I want to tweak the shape of his face a bit.
....number 3, I don't think it should have even been created but once I had started I just had to finish it no matter how ugly, I just don't think it suits a child story
Unit 3: Body Shapes
Not sure how I want my characters faces to look yet so I thought I would work on body types. I was thinking this would be for Lumen my magician first of all but I picture Caligo Nox quite chubby so the middle one is what I'd go for.
Unit 3: Caligo Nox's Evil Dream Vacuum (Prop)
It's funny, because with the lights on the end of the vacuums that attract the dreamers from the sky makes it almost look like some type of space ship.
I will touch up on some things later still not sure if i want to add textures yet but I feel it's coming close to the final thing.
Tuesday, 5 February 2013
Unit 3: Silhouette for Prop
To create the prop which is my character Caligo Nox's Giant vacuum that sucks in the Dreamers floating in the sky and holds them in some type of prison. So i got vacuum cleaners and Silhouetted them
To then develop these:
still need to add more detail into them but was just getting the shapes. my eye seems to be drawn to number 8 as I like the dome it feels like the dreamers could be stored in there and you see them all floating around.
Life Drawing (05/02/2013)
Two minute poses
Felt like doing it in my sketch book from now on
(5 minute pose)
(20 minute pose)
(20 minute Pose)
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