Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Unit 2: Objects for Lair

I feel things are starting to come along well!
I need to figure out a way to cut out an entrance for this bamboo type room like some sort of archway (help would be appreciated)
 The stand for my mask I didn't really go into much detail on the shape for the head as it will be covered by the mask.
 the training equipment for my super hero

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Unit 2: Thumbnails

Tried out some more designs from using the same type of shape from previous thumbnails to create more.

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Unit 2: Hero Prop Thumbnails

Trying to figure out this hero prop still not sure what one to stick with or work on more.

Animation Classes

I thought instead of filling up peoples blog's I'd post everything I've done in animation class so far.
In our first lesson we learn to do animation through morphs using spacing to change pace in the animation Mine and Katy's animation is on the right.

As well as the bouncing tennis ball animation we had to do a ping pong ball and bowling ball, YouTube can really mess it up sometimes as it randomly pauses on a frame for just a millisecond but its still very noticeable and frustrating I'm sure I'll figure out how to fix that soon.

I feel I could improve on this much more I've noticed it needs to slow down more in a few places requiring more frames next time I do this I'm sure it will come out much better.

In today's Lesson (21/11/2012) we learned about pixilation in animation and got to try it out on dragon which was very fun. How dare Binly cheat on Peta with Chairish. 

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Life Drawing (20/11/2012)

In Life drawing today there was no model so myself and other students had to be the models instead which was fun and different compared to what I normally do as the models had clothes on, I also did practice of looking at the model for a minute without drawing and then they would walk off and I would need to draw them from memory which was very challenging the first time but I think I was starting to understand how it work the second time.
(1 - 5 minute poses)
Later we then went onto drawing faces which I enjoyed a few I'm pleased with because I can see who it is but some I look at and think it looks nothing like the model but I guess that just means I need to practice more
(1-10 minute poses)

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Unit 2: Final Hero Prop

My Complete Hero Prop (Mask)

Unit 2: Thumbnails

Did some more Thumbnails but I'm still not too sure if I like how they look.

I've decided I'm going to revisit this thumbnail and make a few changes:

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Unit 2: Thumbnails

Some Thumbnails I did tonight to try and figure out angles I was trying to get closer and it seemed to of taken me a while sometimes I even drew the same thumbnail by accident, figuring out perspective can be difficult, annoying and very difficult I'll just have to practice more! I seem to be more attracted to five and six based on angles as it fits a decent amount of objects in and keeps the hero prop in perfect view. (Painting all this bamboo is going to kill me but I'll take the challenge)